Thursday, August 25, 2005


I'm really hyper today. I kind of want to do blog entries over and over all day long! I love blog. (said like goldmember's I love gold.)

I haven't had much sleep because I'm housesitting Jill's and I seem to keep waking up at 730 in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep. Also, the cats I'm babysitting know the milisecond that I wake up and pounce for attention. Miss Jenkin is really demanding when it comes to petting and attention but I don't really mind because she's so gosh darned adorable!

Okay, I took an hour break between writing and now I'm fading fast. Fuck- I have 9 1/2 hours left here. What am I gonna do today. There was a note that said I should sweep and mop the floors. I'm not fuckin Cinderella- screw you! (In actuality, I really do want to have some sort of chore today because otherwise I'll just circle blogs all day until my eyes start bleeding.) I brought my tools to give myself a mani/pedi. That could take up to two hours if I'm really slow and do enough coats of nailpolish to chang my shoe size.

If there's anyone out there that would like to spend some time at my place of business, Sarah-Maura-Melissa (she never reads this) get your asses over here! Oh and bring some low-carb snackies. I'll take coffee too. Who am I kidding, no ones coming. I'm all alone, I feel so cold.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone would write that about you Kate, you are the best person currently living

4:30 PM  
Blogger SES said...

ouch. Fresh hostility in blogworld...Katie, I imagine you're still ready to rip your eyeballs out at TOW's headquarters, but if you read this before you're out, call me.

which you probably will anyway, even if you don't see this.

so...this comment = pointless. But, um, aren't all of mine?

6:10 PM  
Blogger SES said...

p.p.s byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i was surfing blogs and i found this really cool homosexual retarded midget that wants to have your baby!

I'm going to add you to my links for sure!

1:31 PM  

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