Monday, May 08, 2006

okay fuck facebook

I really am not a fan of facebook. I just tried to register unsuccessfully for about 15 minutes. First my name was too short- what?!? So then I go to register and it asks for a college email which I don't have so I tried to use a fake one which worked until it said to click on the link in my email in order to complete my registration. Okay- screw that, so then I tried to register as a highschool student and they said I was too old, so I changed my bday and I thought it was gonna work but then it gave me a list that told me to get an invite from someone on it. Are you kidding me!! It's harder to get on facebook then to get across the Mexico/ Texas border. Hmmmm, maybe I can find an illegal immigrant to help me con my way on to facebook- but all they know how to do is pretend they don't know english and wash dishes. Fuck. I guess it's myspace only for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

enlighten me, what is this facebook you speak of?

12:46 PM  

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