Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So I have a really hard test tomorrow, what a more perfect time to blog about absolutely nothing. I just don't want to study. I've decided to spend 2 hours per chapter which means I need to study 6, oh wait 8 hours. That def won't happen. The only way I know how to study is just write over and over until my hand cramps and burns.

I'm quitting smoking on April 1. I decided to tag along on the Maura train. Hopefully it won't be a short ride. I was thinking how that a cigarette is a really good break from studying and just enough time to make a quick phone call. My blog is really pointless sometimes. Sorry people, but I get sick of the same post being up for too long. I think other bloggers think that I think it's a really cool post or something (which I totally don't, who am I kidding yes I do.)

Still waiting on that dell rebate for my camera. Annoying. Well back to studying...


Blogger Bishai said...

I got a rebate from 1800 contacts yesterday that I'd forgotten about. After the initial euphoria I got a little sad that $40 qualifies as a substantial windfall.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

know what you mean about lack of new posts...I almost got tears in my eyes when I saw that you and Tommy had new ones up.

good luck on your test--I study the same way, just writing vocab over and over. Somehow having a bunch of pages filled with writing makes me feel like at least I've done something, even if I recall none of it

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no I love blogger!


7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie: setting a quit date is the way to go. You've just got to have the resolve to stick with it. Important milestones are as follows: 3 days, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year. Or so I've heard. I'm almost at my 3 month and it really does feel great. Good luck!

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

smoking helped me study a lot. actually, having to go outside the dorms to smoke helped me study a lot. i took smoke breaks between subjects. if i could have smoked while studying, i'd probably be in an iron lung right now. or even cooler than i already am.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I study nowadays is how to become a cigarette. It's going well, thanks for asking.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed how effective my statements are at killing the flow of the comments section???

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's one so you don't feel so bad...
guarantee this is the one that kills it

1:00 PM  

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