Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I got hurt this weekend.

Nick had a little birthday fete over at his and Dacia's place. Everything was great until I flew down the entire flight of stairs on my face. I wasn't even at full potential drunkeness. I'm 99% sure that Maura set me up. She thought/hoped I was dead when I landed.

Well I have a swollen black eye now, but thank god for sidesweep bangs. I can style them so they're totally in my face concealing my black eye and bandaged eyebrow. I need to stop FALLING! Two weekends ago I fell three times. Twice at the bar and once off the curb. And now, before I can even finish picking those scabs into scars, this happens. All the scabs are still too fresh but I can only imagine the massacre like state of my room after these guys are ready for harvest.Luckily I'm able to show more restraint when it comes to picking my face (unless it's my nose, j/k that's G-ross!)

Last weekend I wore heels that made me uneasy sober. I don't know who I'm kidding when I put on shoes like that. I'm not one of those naturally graceful in heels people. That's why I purposely wore regular ostrich leather cowboi boots, so nothing like this would happen.

Not to mention that I was wearing NONE of my own clothes. I borrowed Jill's ($40) strapless bra which is now totally drenched in blood. (I definitely need to replace that.) Not to mention I wore her blazer and it's missing. I'm positive I left it in Maura's room, but she claims it's not there. Will did take a nap in there, maybe he used it for a jiz rag and threw it out the window. Will you owe me 40 bucks.

Oh yeah- I'm changing my URL again. I'll post it on Will's blog in a few days. Someone keeps telling people's parents the Sandbar story and including my URL. You know who you are "Naura."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you should re-open the scab envelope and start saving these latest ones for Kristin. Maybe a half bday present?

btw, "tween" was an answer on jeopardy! today: perfect for the tween tournament! this dumb-looking kid with unbrushed hair almost didn't get it, and I almost died. It was afterall, the tween tournament. Translation: if you paid attention for ten minutes per class in high school, you'd be a semi-finalist

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Sandbar story. I'll be disappointed if you change your URL. Seriously.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's that anonymous? What a mystery (seriously it wasn't me). Wait you don't want people to know about your blog. Does that mean I should stop dropping little pieces of paper with your URL out the bus window on my way to work every morning? And don't blame your fall on me, I told you to watch out for the banana peel I dropped right in front of you. Besides you really should take your eye to the MAC counter because it's a really cool shade of purple.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Bishai said...

hey I know all about url changing. I'm glad I was there at maura / hofmann's place when you arrived, although I think I only lasted about 10 mintutes before going comatose on the new awesome couch.

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please DO NOT save your scabs for me. Vomit.

p.s. Im sorry I missed you falling down the stair. That must have been ruff. Those stairs are scary high.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

post a picture of your black eye. at bball practice at lt, dana padgen and i would try and come up with brilliant ideas of how to give each other black eyes. i shouldve just had her throw me down some stairs

1:29 PM  

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