Yay for quitters!
It makes me so happy to know there are others out there struggling like I am. I will miss the glamour of it all though. Maybe I'll start doing coke. Coke is really glamorous. If I can't afford it, I'll just crush up Tylenol and show it to people. I'll carry a mirror and razor with me at all times and pretend to be really fucked up after snorting a line. I'll pretend to be on a coke binge and hook up with really questionable people and not use a condom. That sounds sexy, coke makes me sexy.
On the glamour note- smoking is not glamorous. After quitting you start to notice how there are very few people who can make smoking look attractive. They have to be gorgeous, rich or foreign. Yes Maura, Asian counts as foreign, but Asians don't look attractive smoking- unless it's German pole. Those huge German cocks look great inside of those tiny little Asian mouths. And a bonus, money shots (maura's favorite) come with very little chance of optical damage. There's just no space for the man cream to get in there! (That's for trying to read my blog while I was typing.)
Speaking of Maura....
I got to hear a concert that she and her sister put on for retards today. They were obsessed! It was really cute. The one that set next to me kept telling me that she could sing that well. Sh-sh-she w-w-was fif-fifty t-t-t-t-t-t-two. Ahhh, retards. They really make non-retarded people smile.
I have blogger's remorse. I really shouldn't have made fun of those retards. They were really sweet. Fuck- why are the funniest things the meanest?
Don't feel too bad, I was laughing. I bet Steph was too. Do you want to come to the city this weekend? Christmas sweater party on friday and we are having a photo show at my place saturday.
A lot of the asians at my work smoke. I think that the guys look good doing it.
You're right, Asians do look good smoking but that's because Asians are high fashion.
Thanks for the invite, but I'm afraid I'm bound to my work until 2am on weekends. Yes, my life kinda sucks.
Get something going on a Monday night and I'm there. (or tues, wed, thurs, sun)
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