Friday, September 02, 2005


I'm obsessed with tea. I had the biggest rage of my week today because I was trying to pick up my lap top (or as Maura would say lab top) and I took a wrong turn forcing me miles away from my destination in Bedford Park to who the fuck knows where...95th and Western? This was oh so pleasant while riding in my non air-conditioned lobstermobile. I was also on a time crunch AND my cell phone wasn't working.

Yeah so... now reading it in writing I realize that I probably overreacted. I was in my car SCREAMING!! Not yelling words- just literally screaming. I mos def have rage issues. Sometimes I think I should try to work on them, but I feel like there would be nothing left of me if it died. So anyways, after I came down from my rage, I drank about four cups of tea and I feel like a zillion bucks! It's all about the highs and lows of life. The lord giveth and taketh away. (that didn't really fit but whatevs.)

As much as I want to use whatevs more in my blog, I feel cliched because that's like the name of my blog. I don't want it to be like my "thing." "Oh every blog I try to fit in a whatevs... it's a theme."

And another thing- I won't be an alky this semester. I just can't! I know, Iknow, I'm sad too. After approximately 5 years straight of drinking 99.999% of the time, my body could use a break. I have too much fucking work to be hung over. Especially since all my suburban drinking partners are leaving me to live in the "city." Wow, you're so cool.

I'll just start doing tons of speed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatevs isn't an applicable theme; it's a way of life you already abide by. Like the dude, except we're dudettes.

I can totally get us a speed hookup now that I work in the incredibly demanding industry of sales. Wait, I kind of already have a hookup in that I take mood stabilizers. But really, I'll seek out the cokeheads at work and make pretend friends with them so that we can be so totally cool everytime we go out DT, we'll like do a bump here and there.

think about it; embrace city life.

btw, embrace my apt, you better hang out there tons, maybe bring Tino on occasion just so I don't feel completely de-suburbanized.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you horribly bored?

oh, that's right, you like your career. It keeps you on top of your academic and social careers.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm kind of honored that my blog comments have finally been infiltrated by spammers. I know I'll be pissed when it says 17 comments and 15 are fucking spammers. What is the point!?! What level of retard would you have to be to fall for this shit? Come check out my site on "Chinese alternative salad mix." If you were retarded enough to fall for that I would not think you'd have the capabilities to use the internet, let alone a keyboard, or the bathroom, or limbs.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gret blog! For related topics come to my website!

1:41 PM  
Blogger SES said...

are you at your career today?

please post something, I'm in blog-mode and bored!

bad combo...I want to hear about confrontation weekend 05, formerly known as LDW 05

8:47 AM  

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