Sunday, November 13, 2005

I've been clean for almost a week

I quit smoking on MOnday and I haven't cheated once! It's nice. I don't feel dirty and smelly, like all you smokers. I can't wait to be able to trash talk smokers until I start smoking again and get mad when people shit talk my shit talking. I really don't think that's gonna happen though.

So let's see... I had my first night at that bar/restaurant. I got to train behind the bar and it was awesome. I'm obsessed with bartending. As a waitress you're the bitch. When bartending, people kiss your ass because they know you can screw them over, unless they're drinking beer.

Boring post- this is why I haven't been posting a lot. I don't have anything to write about besides how shitty this post is.

"It's really- uh, smart don't you think. You know that black is this years pink"
$2 to anyone who knows what that is from.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on quitting. I'll join you after New Years. Let's party like crazy people this weekend. Set a goal of major frontal lobe damage and 2 or more STDs a person mandatory this weekend.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll give up cigarettes but i'll never quit sniffing glue or molesting the fry guys.

1:14 PM  

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