Weird Wedding
So I went to my cousin's wedding in Arizona this weekend. Kinda weird. The officiaries were friends of my cousin and his (new) wife. The girl officiary had a tatoo on her neck/shoulder. The ceremony was filled with references to the "moon regenerating" and "your love is like the grass." Basically total bullshit. But one thing was proven- they do drugs. Seriously, who comes up with that shit that isn't on drugs. It seemed like an overcharged coked out planned wedding that sounds good when you're high but...
maybe they were doing rails before the ceremony. Aside from that, I did get to go to Arizona for a few days. All I did was lay out. I even timed my turn overs, but some people don't think I "look tan at all." Great.
I got stung by a dead bee in the pool (which is possible). I haven't been stung since that day in the Strawser pool when a bee landed on my head and after trying to drown it while almost drowning myself, it stung me. Later we let her bunny swim in the pool and it died that afternoon. It was an old bunny.
So that's where you've been. Come downtown every once and a while. We'll get some vic to take the edge off and you can photobooth-strangle flo while I lick your heads.
the bunny must've been alergic to bees.
good dancing last friday night, by the way. you guys should never have left the party.
We were under false pretenses of going out. As soon as the time came to go, everyone cheaped out. By this point, I thought I may be at the level of drunkeness that needs to be shared with the world, so we bolted for Mexican. It's my burden.
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