Thursday, September 28, 2006

anotha one bites the dust-a

I just quit my HORRIBLE job on Monday and not a moment too soon. I called out sick (which I was really not sick and just wanted to start looking for a new job) and my boss told the receptionist to tell me that if I'm sick I need to come in and prove it to him and THEN I can go home. Ummm yeah, you can go suck your own dick Pedro, oh I'm sorry "Peter."

So I called back and quit. I also sent in a sexual harrasment complaint against the kitchen manager who fired all my gays. He DID french kiss my neck the other day while I was texting and he IS over 350 pounds and VERY sweaty. I like CAPS!

So in a nutshell, I'm free. Free to be me. I do however wish that I could have stayed another week or two so my rent would be better covered and I could have bought some new clothes. Oh well, I can always revert back to highschool and steal. Maura watches all those babies, I could take one and FILL the stroller. No one suspects moms of stealing, unless they're black.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you really have something there with the borrowing kids to steal thing.

Kyle stopped in for a quick in and out. I nearly shit my pants.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will relayed the kyle story to us this past weekend. Classic. You should work at one of those brazilian restaurants in brazil. Only rich people go and they don't take advantage like black people.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

katie, i just read you last couple of posts. you're insane and i want you inside of me.

I hope that you're at the barcrawl in urban next year so i can go to town on your box like a darkie in the buffet line.

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa. "a darkie in the buffet line"? awesome. katie, you've got quite the admirer.

and i wanted to tell you i saw samantha tierney jogging in a yellow crop top this morning. no rollerblades though.

10:22 AM  
Blogger kitty catastrophe said...

Now that you have more time, then that means you have no excuses. I'm thinking this weekend we drink drunk. Seriously I need your quick wit and racist humor. I'll come by you, make it real easy.

11:53 AM  

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