Wednesday, April 18, 2007

overheard at Malcolm X

I know posting twice in one day is a faux pas, but there was just too damn much material!

FAS (fetal alchohol syndrome looking black lady)
FBL (fat BL, who's really nice)

FAS: I heard that Puerto Ricans are half white and half black.
FBL: Really?
FAS: Yeah my dad told me that the mastahs used to have sex with the slaves and when they were pregnant they would ship em to a island. Thats where the name comes from- Puerto Rican, Ported Africans.
(right after discussing how ignorant Phillipinos are)

FAS:What race was that guy who shot all them kids?
FBL: Asian.
FAS: (dumfounded look)
FBL: Chinese.
FAS: (still dumbfounded look)
FBL: They do yo nails!
FAS: OH, one of them.

I am NOT making this up


Blogger Bishai said...

that's pretty classic, you should submit it to

9:10 AM  

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