Friday, September 30, 2005

It's cold in here

I can't decide if I should turn on the heat or not, but it's fucking cold!!! My fingers are getting all jammed up while I'm typing.

So bittersweetness is coming over me right now. Maura and Sarah are leaving the burbs!! Our circle is now broken. I guess I'll have to start trying a little harder to be friends with the city folk, god I hate people that live in the city. I hate all of you!!!

Just kidding, I'm really more jealous than hateful. I'm also thinking about how much more I'll have to get gas now that I'll be driving to the north side 4 times a week. I don't even really mind paying for it, it's the simple act of pumping it that I HATE! When I get gas, I always wait so long that the tank does that sizzle sound every time I take off the cap.

But yeah, I am glad that those girlz are getting out. They don't have such a liberal living situation as I do. I may live at home 4eva! Why pay rent when you can just mooch city life off of your foolish rent paying friends. Just remember, I have an extra bunk bed if you ever need it! Good luck skanks, I'll miss you! (Not really, now that you're gone I can make new cooler friends at COD without you around embarassing me with your looks and smells.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate you'll always be a city girl at heart. Just make sure you get your official city bag to prove it. Besides, with my ingenius reverse commute situtation I may be sharing a bed with Mank more often then not. BFF LYLAS

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does LYLAS mean? God, you're such a loser. JK BFF ROTFL TTYL

1:23 PM  

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