Monday, April 23, 2007 has gone too far!!

So I was logging onto my myspace account when I was attacked by the creepiest video ever. It's titled "find single doctors in your area." There's this Joey from friends looking male model guy in scrubs like checking his charts and then looking up at you with a half smile and then fidgeting with his stethescope, adorably, and all the while those sexy/serious eyes and pouty lips playfully joining along. At the end of the clip he's walking away and then stops and half-turns for a second wishing that we could be together.


I thought doctor's were supposed to be smart.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

overheard at Malcolm X

I know posting twice in one day is a faux pas, but there was just too damn much material!

FAS (fetal alchohol syndrome looking black lady)
FBL (fat BL, who's really nice)

FAS: I heard that Puerto Ricans are half white and half black.
FBL: Really?
FAS: Yeah my dad told me that the mastahs used to have sex with the slaves and when they were pregnant they would ship em to a island. Thats where the name comes from- Puerto Rican, Ported Africans.
(right after discussing how ignorant Phillipinos are)

FAS:What race was that guy who shot all them kids?
FBL: Asian.
FAS: (dumfounded look)
FBL: Chinese.
FAS: (still dumbfounded look)
FBL: They do yo nails!
FAS: OH, one of them.

I am NOT making this up

Found this

Okay so I was cleaning out my email and found this thing that I emailed to myself because I tried to blog it and it didn't work. Thought better late than never...

Attention all girls born between 1980 and 1986! There is a Little Mermaid (DVD Version) wine and cheese party December 6th!! All you need to bring is enough wine for yourself and cheese if you're hungry. Boys are not strictly forbidden however they must be able to say 2 quotations, not from a song, and identify the character of two random quotes given.

I'm sorry but this movie is not about conversation and background music. It is about wine, cheese, cigarettes, and obsession with Ariel. The after party can be negotiated but I'm not kidding that if you aren't ready to hang out and exclusivelly talk about The Little Mermaid and personal incidents regarding such (fighting with your sister over who gets to have red hair and be called Ariel at your local pool) don't bother coming. You are also allowed to talk about how handsome my cat is as well as Kaitlin's dog. All cute animals are welcome (I'm looking your way Kristin and Sarah) This is a somewhat Christmas party. If I can get my shit together in time to get a tree and stand from the salvation army, we will all be making bows. They are very simple- however not as simple as Joe Doran's mind and his mother whilst conceiving him..

I must see all the girlz- stef, nana, jessica, margaret, will, RUBY, SARAH KRISTIN, DACIA- thise in caps constantly avoid me and MUST be there, DAcia- nick and Lizzy afre also invited!! This is happening no matter what- not like the Great America trip this summer!!

Side Note- I will be texting this to as many people as possible so refer them to this blog. We can send all of our bicurious boyfriends to have an uncomfortable night of jealousy at Will, Ben and Erich's smelly and muggy balls apartment. GIRLZ RULE!!

FYI- IF there isn't a good turnout I will end this blog and kill myself and exclusively have one night stands at gay clubs (which I already do, but now I can justify it- just kidding I have a serious boyfriend- or do I...)

Drunk+ Blogging= OC Aggressiveness. Sorry to anyone attacked in this post.