So I'm an idiot. I posted the name of the bar that I (used to) work at on my blog. Someone googled it and found my blog. Now all 10 people that work there know about my blog. I need to stop saying my blog.
If anyone cares to review, I wrote some negative comments about my boss starting around the 25th of November. He read it and when I called to see what time I should come in today he told me that I need to fix it or find a new job. Well, I took the name of the bar off my posts but I really don't want to work there anymore because I think it will be a little awkward. Please check the comments as well, because there are some angry anonymous posts.
Upside- I don't have to work all night on Friday and Saturday and I may not have to work on New Year's Eve. I do have to find a new job though. Hopefully that doesn't take too long. I don't really care. I didn't publish anything that isn't the truth dammit! I know that I can get a job at Dominick's.